Tuesday, December 8, 2020

My Time Behind The Wheels Is Over But Being A Trucker Never Ends T-Shirt

Want to give you some optionsbut unfortunately there isn’t a My Time Behind The Wheels Is Over But Being A Trucker Never Ends T-Shirt test andthe thought behind this discoveringyourself is basically kind of looking atyourself like a block of ice like wellyou know if I read this book then I’mgonna like chip a little piece away andif I talk to this one person I’m gonnachip a little bit more way andeventually I’m gonna reveal myself andand and again that is not how it worksinstead of looking at it like you’re ablock of ice or look at it like you’reyou’re discovering yourself David lookat yourself like your little ball ofclay and that’s it and you have to addlittle pieces to that ball of clay andyes reading a book or journaling orthinking about it will certainly helpyou to start to head or will be thoselittle pieces that you’re adding butthose cannot be the only pieces that youyou add to yourself so what I would sayDavid is this manuse one thing if you if you have 20things 40 things whatever it is writethem all down and right away you’regonna no you’re gonna no you’re gonnaknow that okay I. It willby default help you get into the mood. Crazy situationthat she was in so thanks for writingthat we really appreciate you Tara andkeep up the great work finally to roundout this segment let’s go ahead andlisten to a comment voicemail fromVanessa hey guys Nessa from Ohio and Ijust wanted to call and say thank youbecause back in 2000in 2012 my husband and I moved from athousand square foot house for the twoof us to a 500 square foot studiobecause of the market downturn and notselling our house as we thought we wouldwe had to downsize and I was in tearswith the film’s my mom and we found thatwe were expecting at the same time whichwas something we were hoping for butalso not hoping for in a 500 square footstudio apartment and when she sent meyour link to your blog and then as ajoke maybe I should read up and becauseI was being forced into that lifestylebut that month of transition in ourlives was probably the best thing thatcould have ever happened to us Thank YouVanessaThank You Vanessa so ultimately I meanwhat it sounds like is Vanessa there youknow was

Source: My Time Behind The Wheels Is Over But Being A Trucker Never Ends T-Shirt

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Stress that moneyputs on us the constant worry it’s oneof the things that we fight about withour loved ones with our businesspartners etc but when we take the stressout of money makes life a My Time Behind The Wheels Is Over But Being A Trucker Never Ends T-Shirt whole heck ofa lot easier so we wrote an essay I’dlove for you all to read it’s calledfinancial freedomit’s one of the most beneficial thingsthat I know we’ve written because we’vehad thousands and thousands of peoplewho have commented that they have gottena ton of value from it so that’s at theminimalists comm slash freedom and whatryan I talk about is how we got out ofdebthow we started planning for the futureand how we stopped worrying about moneyeven though when we walked away from thecorporate world we made appreciably lessmoney but we were able to regain controlof our finances yeah it’s funny whenpeople hear the term financial freedomthey assume well that must mean you knowhaving a million dollars in the bank orhaving a hundred thousand dollars savedup for what whatever it is and I wouldsay if you’re debt free that you. Suite we have a few of themhere our first question. So ask yourself why andthen it’s also important as well as toask yourself is this working afteryou’ve been taking action so so onceyou’ve taken action toward toward thatoutcome are those actions working or areyou just spinning your wheels and so asyou’re working together as a familythese are some important questions toask and in fact I would encourage you toconstantly ask your kids questions andalso encourage your kids to askquestions as well I think it’s reallyimportant and it’s one of the things inour culture that we quite often I knowthe young kids they asked a ton ofquestions there so exploratory and weget frustrated by I know me personally Iget frustrated you’re asking the samequestion over and over but I also knowthere’ll be a point when Ella’s 14 yearsoldand I can’t get her to ask me a singlequestion and and that will be thatthat’ll be difficult for a completelydifferent reason I’ll be wanting her toask questions and so I think it’simportant to encourage questions to beasked because the better questions
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