Sunday, December 13, 2020

Jolliest Bunch Of Nurses Life This Side Of The Nutthouse T-Shirt from

Family knows you loveand support them I agree if I were toadd to that I would just quickly sayhonesty is the bedrock of the mosthealthy traditions true so so you thinkabout Santa Claus I don’t want webelieve in Santa Claus either and Beckand I were just talking about thisrecently because it’s that time whereother kids around her are being toldthat there’s a Jolliest Bunch Of Nurses Life This Side Of The Nutthouse T-Shirt from Santa Claus and I alsodon’t want her to be the I don’t want itto be you and you were five going aroundtelling everyone there isn’t a SantaClaus there’s a balance right yeah andand tried to upset all the kids justbecause and I understand why becauseyou’re different you don’t want to feelleft out right you want to besignificant but you also want to havethis connection with other people andyou don’t if everyone else believes inSanta Claus except your kid you’re gonnafeel disconnected and that’s not a goodthingand so the balance that I found is yeswe can talk about Santa Claus SantaClaus is a for me it is a a fictitiouscharacter right like I I can look atSanta Claus. Lobe to dootherwise and and so we need to becareful what we expose them to itdoesn’t mean we can completely filterout every single advertisement but let’ssee what the children are watching andact accordingly I know with with Ellalike we she’s the only two and a halfyear old I know that essentially gets ano screen time at all right now it’sit’s a big treat we will sometimes onSundays like breakout vexes iPad and lether watch a video and and and so thatbecomes a big tree but it’s not it’s nota pacifier now here’s the thing that’sreally hard because yeah it’s reallyeasy for me to break out you know myphone and say yes here pacify yourselfwith this leave me alone leave me aloneso I can go focus on something else andnot really pay attention to the personwho is right here and in front of me andso I think we have to remember that kidsare watching us mm hmmand they’re going to mimic what we dothey’re going to act as if they are uswhether that starts with our words thelanguage we use I know all the time Iwas so so freaking curious. Who donatedmoneyto that we were able to build wells forI think it was twelve hundred and fiftypeople in Malawi and and that was reallyamazing and then we we built it wehelped build an orphanage in Honduraswith Joshua Becker and the folks fromhis charity the hope effect and we withthe folks at misfit and enjoy coffeehouse over and Laos we built anelementary school over there and withyour help as well the people who donatedto that and so we were able to help outwith that we also had some extra moneyfrom that so we funded a high school fora year in Kenya and of course we’ve donea bunch of other philanthropic things aswellwe wanted to find different ways tocontribute to the world around us andwe’ll continue to contribute we wantedto dedicate a year to the contributionas we were finishing up the thedocumentary which by the way so we justturned six years old we’ve spent thelast three years in this documentarywe’ve spent half of the minimalistscomms life span on this this documentaryso think about that we perspective

Source: Jolliest Bunch Of Nurses Life This Side Of The Nutthouse T-Shirt from

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Necessarily a Jolliest Bunch Of Nurses Life This Side Of The Nutthouse T-Shirt from zerowaste lifestyle it’s not binary it’s notall or nothing you’re not going toproduce ten thousand pounds of waste ayear or zero waste a yearno it’s about reducing your footprint asyou said and so I realized that you’recognizant of the amount of waste thediapers provide and if you can do clothdiapers and you feel that that is timewell spent because cloth diapers aregoing to be expensive for you but notjust monetarily but there’s an initialinvestment for sure but it takes up aconsiderable amount of your time and bythe way I know Beck said this with withElla use cloth diapers throughout alarge portion of her first year on thisearth but used a a service because youknow didn’t want to deal with withcleaning out the the cloth diapersherself and so she she used the serviceto to clean up those diapers and that’san additional cost or if you’re gonnaclean it yourself that’s an additionalcost of resources your time and mostimportant your attention how can youbetter spend those resources as wellespecially if you’re. Be somewhere betweentwenty to twenty five of them okay andthen from there Ottawa and Toronto andWinnipeg so that’s what eight ninecities throughout Canada we’re gonna tryto hit in August to September which isby the way the best time to be in CanadaAugust and September and then from therewe’re gonna hit the East Coast New YorkCity Philadelphia Washington DC thoseare the three cities were trying to hiton the East Coast the in that area andthen from there the Mountain States SaltLake City one of our best cities forturnout is surprisingly Salt Lake Citywe just have a lot of people who reallyresonate with our message there in Utahso we’re gonna try our best to get backto Salt Lake and Denver and Albuquerquewhich I’ve not been to in many years andI love Albuquerque one of my favoritecities a lot of our documentaryminimalism was filmed in Albuquerqueactually and let’s see here and we Ihaven’t been wow I haven’t been toAlbuquerque since the tour since sincewe filmed the documentary and since thattour me too Wow yeah and then. Startpaying back all those student loans youmight have to have a job temporarily butyou can still be very deliberate withthe job you choose you’re in a greatposition right now to be deliberate withthat to make sure that you’re choosesomething that allows you to have thetime to cultivate your values in beliefsand speaking Jack to your question aboutdo you need to make money from yourpassion I’m gonna quote StevenPressfield he said the professional haslearned that success like happinesscomes as a byproduct of work theprofessional concentrates on the workand allows rewards to come or not comeso what that means to me is that ifyou’re truly passionate about somethingknow you don’t have to make money fromit it would be great if everyone in theworld could find a passion and makemoney from that and make a living fromthat but that is not necessarily the theend all be all for every single personso don’t feel pressure to make moneyfrom your passion in fact I would say ifyou if anyone out there is puttingpressure on themselves
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