Friday, July 30, 2021

Well If It Isn't The Consequences Of My Own Actions Funny Tshirts Black

Well If It Isn't The Consequences Of My Own Actions Funny Tshirts Black

Stress in bachelors thatyou even have to be careful with thegood stresses and your life’s not to gettoo much use the word friction thoughyou want some friction in your life andyou need enough friction in order to tocreate traction in your life because ifyou don’t you think about we weredriving on the roads in Montana and it’sso icy there’s no traction at allbecause there’s no friction right it’sfrictionless it’s black ice and you’regoing to I mean literally you yousomeone ran you off the road becausethey hit a Well If It Isn't The Consequences Of My Own Actions Funny Tshirts Black patch of black ice and yourcar flipped because they didn’t haveenough friction that created thetraction to propel you forward and soyeah I think I think keep that in mindso happiness is often a fruitlesspursuit and in fact we mentioned ChrisGila but once we did a podcast with himhe had a book come out that was calledso you just mentioned the constitutionright the everyone has the right to thepursuit of happinessyes his book is called the happiness ofpursuit oh yeah and so so think aboutthat the real happiness. He ended up having to choose oneover the other I kind of random but thatmight be something that that helps youout Jake but ultimately yes I agree withJosh you know there’s not really ametric to go off of but but certainlythat that chart or that spreadsheet orwhatever you want to call it could oh mygod this isn’t explicit this is anexplicit podcast no I think I think thatwill help you Jake the other thing thatwill help you to love to send you a copyof our book it’s called essentialthere’s an entireafter on passion in there it’s acollection of about 150 essays that RyanI Ryan and I have written over the lastfive years or so and and we put it intotwelve different chapters twelvedifferent ways to live a meaningful lifeand one of those is passion so there’san entire chapter in there and I thinkyou’ll find some value in that all rightnext question is from Justine I justgraduated college Congrats Justine needhelp deciding should I live at home forone year and pay off debt or should Imove back to LA and do what I’mpassionate. Well I mean I realized thatminimalism I knew this before but itbecame more of a practice now minimalismis not about deprivation you and I saythat all the time but I remember atfirst like I kind of wanted yeah wellyou know kids don’t really need anythingany toys they were happy with whateverthey have and I was really justprojecting my own childhood onto herlike cuz I didn’t have many toys or theones I did were crappy although in myneighborhood I had more toys anyone elsethat’s how I made all the friends dudeyou had a Sega Genesis man yeah that’show I made literally all the friends inthere because they don’t play Segabecause you’re gonna stick a jet we’reon food stamps that I had and I was richoh yeah anyway a mineral yes man we weregood at Oh Jim and I were patched backin after that commercial break yes Imean how’s minimalism changed or how’shaving a child changed my idea ofsimplicity or minimalism I’ve realizedthat minimalism is not about deprivationI knew that in theory but now I know itin practice because I don’t want Pretty Well If It Isn't The Consequences Of My Own Actions Funny Tshirts Black Well If It Isn't The Consequences Of My Own Actions Funny Tshirts Black, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women Well If It Isn't The Consequences Of My Own Actions Funny Tshirts Black More than Hot other products Premium Trending This Summer Season will Presents Who Love: The realcontentment for me comes from the workor the creativity the the production thepassion itself the pursuit quite all infact think about that quite often wepursue these things thinking it’s goingto make us happy one day but then youget there and you feel empty well why isthat because you thought the outcome iswhat was going to make you happy it’snot the outcome that’s gonna make youhappyit is the pursuit its enjoying thepursuit it’s become platitudinous thispoint where you’re like okay yeah if youenjoy the pursuit enjoy the journey yeahthat that’s true but really find ways todo something that you do enjoy it’s thereason writing is so appealing to melikeI in fact I there’s this old platitudethat actually doesn’t make any sense tome personally writers don’t enjoywriting they enjoy having written yeahI’m the exact opposite because when Iwhen I write there’s a Well If It Isn't The Consequences Of My Own Actions Funny Tshirts Black good chunk of thetime 10 to 20 percent of the time whereI get into this like euphoric state wheneverything is firing on all cylindersbut it takes half the. I will like that I will enjoyisn’t it crazy like how kids love tohelp man like whether it’s like you knowwith with anything they just love tohelp but especially with contribution Icould see where that would be excitingfor Ella or at least being able tounderstand like Oh like I’m gonna givethis to another kid gonna hit the garagedoor button they want to lay everythinglike they want to help with everythingand the same is true with contributionand so the thing that I’ve learned isyes ello does great with a box of toysbut if she had ten boxes of toys or ahundred boxes of toys she’s not gonna beten times or a hundred times happier infact especially someone like Ella whohas well it’s called SPD sincereprocessing disorder and she just getsoverstimulated by sensory itemsespecially physical items and it’s loudloud sounds and bright lights her firstwords were mine eyes mine eye her firstwords yeah so the the the clutter withher is actually it it like with me itstresses her out and so we made surethat you know she has just. Hoarding thank you thank youI think we’re tied up there I want apiece so this is what we’ll do only winI don’t know you I got arguments andI’ll give you your pride back oh thatwould be awesomebeen missing that for a while yeah sowhat we’ll do two more and I’ll say Igoes from there I’m gonehi there my name is Alec I’m fromSeattle I’m here with my wife wind Ilistened to your podcast on accident asI come to bedthank you and she’s and she’s listenedto it and it’s like falling asleep to itand she’s really in thanks again nowthat I just wanted to so we have reallyenthralling content okay so a fewminutes ago you said that you know youtalked about social media and how it’sdriven by ads and you’re basically youknow doing the will of these engineerswho aren’t necessarily evil you know butbut it’s it’s kind of a big right I justwanted to compliment you on the sizeyour balls to say that to a roomful ofsoftware engineering but butbut so my question is I I really Ireally appreciate what what you havedone in my life just because See Other related products: December, Christmas, Gnomes and shirt Well If It Isn't The Consequences Of My Own Actions Funny Tshirts Black Stress in bachelors thatyou even have to be careful with thegood stresses and your life’s not to gettoo much use the word friction thoughyou want some friction in your life andyou need enough friction in order to tocreate traction in your life because ifyou don’t you think about we weredriving on the roads in Montana and it’sso icy there’s no traction at allbecause there’s no friction right it’sfrictionless it’s black ice and you’regoing to I mean literally you yousomeone ran you off the road becausethey hit a Well If It Isn't The Consequences Of My Own Actions Funny Tshirts Black patch of black ice and yourcar flipped because they didn’t haveenough friction that created thetraction to propel you forward and soyeah I think I think keep that in mindso happiness is often a fruitlesspursuit and in fact we mentioned ChrisGila but once we did a podcast with himhe had a book come out that was calledso you just mentioned the constitutionright the everyone has the right to thepursuit of happinessyes his book is called the happiness ofpursuit oh yeah and so so think aboutthat the real happiness. He ended up having to choose oneover the other I kind of random but thatmight be something that that helps youout Jake but ultimately yes I agree withJosh you know there’s not really ametric to go off of but but certainlythat that chart or that spreadsheet orwhatever you want to call it could oh mygod this isn’t explicit this is anexplicit podcast no I think I think thatwill help you Jake the other thing thatwill help you to love to send you a copyof our book it’s called essentialthere’s an entireafter on passion in there it’s acollection of about 150 essays that RyanI Ryan and I have written over the lastfive years or so and and we put it intotwelve different chapters twelvedifferent ways to live a meaningful lifeand one of those is passion so there’san entire chapter in there and I thinkyou’ll find some value in that all rightnext question is from Justine I justgraduated college Congrats Justine needhelp deciding should I live at home forone year and pay off debt or should Imove back to LA and do what I’mpassionate. Well I mean I realized thatminimalism I knew this before but itbecame more of a practice now minimalismis not about deprivation you and I saythat all the time but I remember atfirst like I kind of wanted yeah wellyou know kids don’t really need anythingany toys they were happy with whateverthey have and I was really justprojecting my own childhood onto herlike cuz I didn’t have many toys or theones I did were crappy although in myneighborhood I had more toys anyone elsethat’s how I made all the friends dudeyou had a Sega Genesis man yeah that’show I made literally all the friends inthere because they don’t play Segabecause you’re gonna stick a jet we’reon food stamps that I had and I was richoh yeah anyway a mineral yes man we weregood at Oh Jim and I were patched backin after that commercial break yes Imean how’s minimalism changed or how’shaving a child changed my idea ofsimplicity or minimalism I’ve realizedthat minimalism is not about deprivationI knew that in theory but now I know itin practice because I don’t want Pretty Well If It Isn't The Consequences Of My Own Actions Funny Tshirts Black Well If It Isn't The Consequences Of My Own Actions Funny Tshirts Black, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women Well If It Isn't The Consequences Of My Own Actions Funny Tshirts Black More than Hot other products Premium Trending This Summer Season will Presents Who Love: The realcontentment for me comes from the workor the creativity the the production thepassion itself the pursuit quite all infact think about that quite often wepursue these things thinking it’s goingto make us happy one day but then youget there and you feel empty well why isthat because you thought the outcome iswhat was going to make you happy it’snot the outcome that’s gonna make youhappyit is the pursuit its enjoying thepursuit it’s become platitudinous thispoint where you’re like okay yeah if youenjoy the pursuit enjoy the journey yeahthat that’s true but really find ways todo something that you do enjoy it’s thereason writing is so appealing to melikeI in fact I there’s this old platitudethat actually doesn’t make any sense tome personally writers don’t enjoywriting they enjoy having written yeahI’m the exact opposite because when Iwhen I write there’s a Well If It Isn't The Consequences Of My Own Actions Funny Tshirts Black good chunk of thetime 10 to 20 percent of the time whereI get into this like euphoric state wheneverything is firing on all cylindersbut it takes half the. I will like that I will enjoyisn’t it crazy like how kids love tohelp man like whether it’s like you knowwith with anything they just love tohelp but especially with contribution Icould see where that would be excitingfor Ella or at least being able tounderstand like Oh like I’m gonna givethis to another kid gonna hit the garagedoor button they want to lay everythinglike they want to help with everythingand the same is true with contributionand so the thing that I’ve learned isyes ello does great with a box of toysbut if she had ten boxes of toys or ahundred boxes of toys she’s not gonna beten times or a hundred times happier infact especially someone like Ella whohas well it’s called SPD sincereprocessing disorder and she just getsoverstimulated by sensory itemsespecially physical items and it’s loudloud sounds and bright lights her firstwords were mine eyes mine eye her firstwords yeah so the the the clutter withher is actually it it like with me itstresses her out and so we made surethat you know she has just. Hoarding thank you thank youI think we’re tied up there I want apiece so this is what we’ll do only winI don’t know you I got arguments andI’ll give you your pride back oh thatwould be awesomebeen missing that for a while yeah sowhat we’ll do two more and I’ll say Igoes from there I’m gonehi there my name is Alec I’m fromSeattle I’m here with my wife wind Ilistened to your podcast on accident asI come to bedthank you and she’s and she’s listenedto it and it’s like falling asleep to itand she’s really in thanks again nowthat I just wanted to so we have reallyenthralling content okay so a fewminutes ago you said that you know youtalked about social media and how it’sdriven by ads and you’re basically youknow doing the will of these engineerswho aren’t necessarily evil you know butbut it’s it’s kind of a big right I justwanted to compliment you on the sizeyour balls to say that to a roomful ofsoftware engineering but butbut so my question is I I really Ireally appreciate what what you havedone in my life just because See Other related products: December, Christmas, Gnomes and shirt

Well If It Isn't The Consequences Of My Own Actions Funny Tshirts Black - from 1

Well If It Isn't The Consequences Of My Own Actions Funny Tshirts Black - from 1

Well If It Isn't The Consequences Of My Own Actions Funny Tshirts Black - from 2

Well If It Isn't The Consequences Of My Own Actions Funny Tshirts Black - from 2

Well If It Isn't The Consequences Of My Own Actions Funny Tshirts Black - from 3

Well If It Isn't The Consequences Of My Own Actions Funny Tshirts Black - from 3

Well If It Isn't The Consequences Of My Own Actions Funny Tshirts Black - from 4

Well If It Isn't The Consequences Of My Own Actions Funny Tshirts Black - from 4

Stress in bachelors thatyou even have to be careful with thegood stresses and your life’s not to gettoo much use the word friction thoughyou want some friction in your life andyou need enough friction in order to tocreate traction in your life because ifyou don’t you think about we weredriving on the roads in Montana and it’sso icy there’s no traction at allbecause there’s no friction right it’sfrictionless it’s black ice and you’regoing to I mean literally you yousomeone ran you off the road becausethey hit a Well If It Isn't The Consequences Of My Own Actions Funny Tshirts Black patch of black ice and yourcar flipped because they didn’t haveenough friction that created thetraction to propel you forward and soyeah I think I think keep that in mindso happiness is often a fruitlesspursuit and in fact we mentioned ChrisGila but once we did a podcast with himhe had a book come out that was calledso you just mentioned the constitutionright the everyone has the right to thepursuit of happinessyes his book is called the happiness ofpursuit oh yeah and so so think aboutthat the real happiness. He ended up having to choose oneover the other I kind of random but thatmight be something that that helps youout Jake but ultimately yes I agree withJosh you know there’s not really ametric to go off of but but certainlythat that chart or that spreadsheet orwhatever you want to call it could oh mygod this isn’t explicit this is anexplicit podcast no I think I think thatwill help you Jake the other thing thatwill help you to love to send you a copyof our book it’s called essentialthere’s an entireafter on passion in there it’s acollection of about 150 essays that RyanI Ryan and I have written over the lastfive years or so and and we put it intotwelve different chapters twelvedifferent ways to live a meaningful lifeand one of those is passion so there’san entire chapter in there and I thinkyou’ll find some value in that all rightnext question is from Justine I justgraduated college Congrats Justine needhelp deciding should I live at home forone year and pay off debt or should Imove back to LA and do what I’mpassionate. Well I mean I realized thatminimalism I knew this before but itbecame more of a practice now minimalismis not about deprivation you and I saythat all the time but I remember atfirst like I kind of wanted yeah wellyou know kids don’t really need anythingany toys they were happy with whateverthey have and I was really justprojecting my own childhood onto herlike cuz I didn’t have many toys or theones I did were crappy although in myneighborhood I had more toys anyone elsethat’s how I made all the friends dudeyou had a Sega Genesis man yeah that’show I made literally all the friends inthere because they don’t play Segabecause you’re gonna stick a jet we’reon food stamps that I had and I was richoh yeah anyway a mineral yes man we weregood at Oh Jim and I were patched backin after that commercial break yes Imean how’s minimalism changed or how’shaving a child changed my idea ofsimplicity or minimalism I’ve realizedthat minimalism is not about deprivationI knew that in theory but now I know itin practice because I don’t want Pretty Well If It Isn't The Consequences Of My Own Actions Funny Tshirts Black Well If It Isn't The Consequences Of My Own Actions Funny Tshirts Black, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women Well If It Isn't The Consequences Of My Own Actions Funny Tshirts Black More than Hot other products Premium Trending This Summer Season will Presents Who Love: The realcontentment for me comes from the workor the creativity the the production thepassion itself the pursuit quite all infact think about that quite often wepursue these things thinking it’s goingto make us happy one day but then youget there and you feel empty well why isthat because you thought the outcome iswhat was going to make you happy it’snot the outcome that’s gonna make youhappyit is the pursuit its enjoying thepursuit it’s become platitudinous thispoint where you’re like okay yeah if youenjoy the pursuit enjoy the journey yeahthat that’s true but really find ways todo something that you do enjoy it’s thereason writing is so appealing to melikeI in fact I there’s this old platitudethat actually doesn’t make any sense tome personally writers don’t enjoywriting they enjoy having written yeahI’m the exact opposite because when Iwhen I write there’s a Well If It Isn't The Consequences Of My Own Actions Funny Tshirts Black good chunk of thetime 10 to 20 percent of the time whereI get into this like euphoric state wheneverything is firing on all cylindersbut it takes half the. I will like that I will enjoyisn’t it crazy like how kids love tohelp man like whether it’s like you knowwith with anything they just love tohelp but especially with contribution Icould see where that would be excitingfor Ella or at least being able tounderstand like Oh like I’m gonna givethis to another kid gonna hit the garagedoor button they want to lay everythinglike they want to help with everythingand the same is true with contributionand so the thing that I’ve learned isyes ello does great with a box of toysbut if she had ten boxes of toys or ahundred boxes of toys she’s not gonna beten times or a hundred times happier infact especially someone like Ella whohas well it’s called SPD sincereprocessing disorder and she just getsoverstimulated by sensory itemsespecially physical items and it’s loudloud sounds and bright lights her firstwords were mine eyes mine eye her firstwords yeah so the the the clutter withher is actually it it like with me itstresses her out and so we made surethat you know she has just. Hoarding thank you thank youI think we’re tied up there I want apiece so this is what we’ll do only winI don’t know you I got arguments andI’ll give you your pride back oh thatwould be awesomebeen missing that for a while yeah sowhat we’ll do two more and I’ll say Igoes from there I’m gonehi there my name is Alec I’m fromSeattle I’m here with my wife wind Ilistened to your podcast on accident asI come to bedthank you and she’s and she’s listenedto it and it’s like falling asleep to itand she’s really in thanks again nowthat I just wanted to so we have reallyenthralling content okay so a fewminutes ago you said that you know youtalked about social media and how it’sdriven by ads and you’re basically youknow doing the will of these engineerswho aren’t necessarily evil you know butbut it’s it’s kind of a big right I justwanted to compliment you on the sizeyour balls to say that to a roomful ofsoftware engineering but butbut so my question is I I really Ireally appreciate what what you havedone in my life just because See Other related products: December, Christmas, Gnomes and shirt Well If It Isn't The Consequences Of My Own Actions Funny Tshirts Black Stress in bachelors thatyou even have to be careful with thegood stresses and your life’s not to gettoo much use the word friction thoughyou want some friction in your life andyou need enough friction in order to tocreate traction in your life because ifyou don’t you think about we weredriving on the roads in Montana and it’sso icy there’s no traction at allbecause there’s no friction right it’sfrictionless it’s black ice and you’regoing to I mean literally you yousomeone ran you off the road becausethey hit a Well If It Isn't The Consequences Of My Own Actions Funny Tshirts Black patch of black ice and yourcar flipped because they didn’t haveenough friction that created thetraction to propel you forward and soyeah I think I think keep that in mindso happiness is often a fruitlesspursuit and in fact we mentioned ChrisGila but once we did a podcast with himhe had a book come out that was calledso you just mentioned the constitutionright the everyone has the right to thepursuit of happinessyes his book is called the happiness ofpursuit oh yeah and so so think aboutthat the real happiness. He ended up having to choose oneover the other I kind of random but thatmight be something that that helps youout Jake but ultimately yes I agree withJosh you know there’s not really ametric to go off of but but certainlythat that chart or that spreadsheet orwhatever you want to call it could oh mygod this isn’t explicit this is anexplicit podcast no I think I think thatwill help you Jake the other thing thatwill help you to love to send you a copyof our book it’s called essentialthere’s an entireafter on passion in there it’s acollection of about 150 essays that RyanI Ryan and I have written over the lastfive years or so and and we put it intotwelve different chapters twelvedifferent ways to live a meaningful lifeand one of those is passion so there’san entire chapter in there and I thinkyou’ll find some value in that all rightnext question is from Justine I justgraduated college Congrats Justine needhelp deciding should I live at home forone year and pay off debt or should Imove back to LA and do what I’mpassionate. Well I mean I realized thatminimalism I knew this before but itbecame more of a practice now minimalismis not about deprivation you and I saythat all the time but I remember atfirst like I kind of wanted yeah wellyou know kids don’t really need anythingany toys they were happy with whateverthey have and I was really justprojecting my own childhood onto herlike cuz I didn’t have many toys or theones I did were crappy although in myneighborhood I had more toys anyone elsethat’s how I made all the friends dudeyou had a Sega Genesis man yeah that’show I made literally all the friends inthere because they don’t play Segabecause you’re gonna stick a jet we’reon food stamps that I had and I was richoh yeah anyway a mineral yes man we weregood at Oh Jim and I were patched backin after that commercial break yes Imean how’s minimalism changed or how’shaving a child changed my idea ofsimplicity or minimalism I’ve realizedthat minimalism is not about deprivationI knew that in theory but now I know itin practice because I don’t want Pretty Well If It Isn't The Consequences Of My Own Actions Funny Tshirts Black Well If It Isn't The Consequences Of My Own Actions Funny Tshirts Black, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women Well If It Isn't The Consequences Of My Own Actions Funny Tshirts Black More than Hot other products Premium Trending This Summer Season will Presents Who Love: The realcontentment for me comes from the workor the creativity the the production thepassion itself the pursuit quite all infact think about that quite often wepursue these things thinking it’s goingto make us happy one day but then youget there and you feel empty well why isthat because you thought the outcome iswhat was going to make you happy it’snot the outcome that’s gonna make youhappyit is the pursuit its enjoying thepursuit it’s become platitudinous thispoint where you’re like okay yeah if youenjoy the pursuit enjoy the journey yeahthat that’s true but really find ways todo something that you do enjoy it’s thereason writing is so appealing to melikeI in fact I there’s this old platitudethat actually doesn’t make any sense tome personally writers don’t enjoywriting they enjoy having written yeahI’m the exact opposite because when Iwhen I write there’s a Well If It Isn't The Consequences Of My Own Actions Funny Tshirts Black good chunk of thetime 10 to 20 percent of the time whereI get into this like euphoric state wheneverything is firing on all cylindersbut it takes half the. I will like that I will enjoyisn’t it crazy like how kids love tohelp man like whether it’s like you knowwith with anything they just love tohelp but especially with contribution Icould see where that would be excitingfor Ella or at least being able tounderstand like Oh like I’m gonna givethis to another kid gonna hit the garagedoor button they want to lay everythinglike they want to help with everythingand the same is true with contributionand so the thing that I’ve learned isyes ello does great with a box of toysbut if she had ten boxes of toys or ahundred boxes of toys she’s not gonna beten times or a hundred times happier infact especially someone like Ella whohas well it’s called SPD sincereprocessing disorder and she just getsoverstimulated by sensory itemsespecially physical items and it’s loudloud sounds and bright lights her firstwords were mine eyes mine eye her firstwords yeah so the the the clutter withher is actually it it like with me itstresses her out and so we made surethat you know she has just. Hoarding thank you thank youI think we’re tied up there I want apiece so this is what we’ll do only winI don’t know you I got arguments andI’ll give you your pride back oh thatwould be awesomebeen missing that for a while yeah sowhat we’ll do two more and I’ll say Igoes from there I’m gonehi there my name is Alec I’m fromSeattle I’m here with my wife wind Ilistened to your podcast on accident asI come to bedthank you and she’s and she’s listenedto it and it’s like falling asleep to itand she’s really in thanks again nowthat I just wanted to so we have reallyenthralling content okay so a fewminutes ago you said that you know youtalked about social media and how it’sdriven by ads and you’re basically youknow doing the will of these engineerswho aren’t necessarily evil you know butbut it’s it’s kind of a big right I justwanted to compliment you on the sizeyour balls to say that to a roomful ofsoftware engineering but butbut so my question is I I really Ireally appreciate what what you havedone in my life just because See Other related products: December, Christmas, Gnomes and shirt

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